Your options for abortion care will vary based on factors
including how many weeks pregnant you are.
Call us at (707) 442-0400 to discuss your options.
We honor a person's right to autonomous decision making about the care of their body. We provide education and information in a collaborative way, free of judgment, so that our patients can make safe, informed choices.
Local Resources:
Choices Rising: Humboldt-based virtual abortion clinic. If you are 10 weeks pregnant or less, navigate to their site to receive care abortion medications mailed to your home.
(707) 200-8291
Planned Parenthood Eureka: Therapeutic abortion available up to 13.6 weeks gestation. Medication portion available up to 10 weeks gestation.
(707) 442-5700
Out of Town Abortion Providers:
(530) 351-7100
(530) 342-8367
Planned Parenthood Santa Rosa:
(530) 527-7656
(707) 462-4303
Second Trimester Abortion Providers in CA:
Sacramento County
Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, B Street Health Center:
(916) 446-6921
UC Davis Health's Family Planning Center, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology:
(916) 734-6413
San Bernardino County
Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties, San Bernardino Health Center:
(714) 922-4100
(415) 353-7003
Alameda County
Stanford Health Care- ValleyCare Forrest Smith, MD:
(925) 734-0100
Butte County
(530 891-1911
Contra Costa County
Contra Costa Regional Medical Center:
(925) 370-5926
Orange County
Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties, Orange Health Center:
(714) 922-4100
San Francisco County
Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, Women's Option Center:
(628) 206-8476
Find a verified abortion provider- English:
Abortion Finder - abortionfinder.org
National Abortion Federation - prochoice.org
Abortion Care Network - abortioncarenetwork.org
Find a verified abortion provider- Spanish:
Clinicas de Aborto en Linea/Online Abortion Clinic - clinicsdeaborto.com
Telemedicine abortion
Choices Rising- based in Humboldt County
Abortion Funding Support
National Network of Abortion Funds - abortionfunds.org
National Abortion Federation - prochoice.org
Call for peer based counseling and support for pregnancy-related decisions (abortion, parenting, adoption, miscarriage)
All-Options Talkline- 1888-493-0092, all-options.org
Call for medical questions about miscarriage and abortion
Miscarriage and Abortion Hotline - mahotline.org